Mr. Uttam Debnath
Chairman Message Education is our property. The word ‘Education’ is like a diamond which appears to be of a different color when seen from different angles. It as basic to civilization, to social survival, as reproduction and nutrition is essential to biological evolution. Professional education is a master key to life's vocation. "Right to education", is a strategic initiative, the state made for its citizens to ensure that every student of the nation could seek education as a ma...
Chairman of Debnath Foundation

Mr. Sukhamay Debnath
Secretary Message Information technology today is recognized as frontier area of knowledge and also a critical enabling tool for assimilating, processing and enhancing all other spheres of knowledge. India has achieved tremendous growth in this area and is now being considered as a potential I.T. super power in the world. It is also recognized the world over, that information Technology is going to change every facet of human existence and will usher in a knowledge based society in the 21st c...
Secretary of Debnath Foundation